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Storytelling for leaders

Storytelling for Leaders is a six-month training program comprising either 4 x 3-hour sessions held over two weeks or one-two day workshops (in person) with both followed by a deliberate 6 month practice program
— ideal for improving your communication and presentation skills.

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Zoom meeting

What will I learn?

How to use your day-to-day experiences to make and reinforce points in a business setting.

How best do you get those key messages to not only be taken on but embraced by the team?

How to learn specific story patterns to use in explaining why change is happening, to change people’s minds, to overcome objections, and to illustrate success.

How do you move focus away from negative perceptions about your organisation?

For big, important announcements how best should these be conveyed to avoid any reluctance on taking on board?


And you’ll achieve all this without furrowing any brows or sending anyone to sleep.

Top down view of meeting

How is the training conducted?

The training is carried out in two ways :

  • One or two day workshop is a practical, hands-on session. Within the first 30 minutes, participants are sharing stories.
  • Four virtual three hour sessions on four different days over the course of two weeks.

Both these courses are followed by a six-month deliberate practice program.

What sorts of outcomes can I expect?

Become more engaging as a leader because you’ll be sharing real-life examples of the purposeful, important work that you and your colleagues do.

You’ll relate to others emotionally and therefore inspire action rather than just the nodding of heads in approval.

And, of course, because your stories will be real-life examples, they will be more influential than mere opinions.

The story so far